A very touching love story i seen just now, talking about the precious love of one couple and a son. and how they manage their warm hearted family life ... I, myself love this movie very much, and will keep a copy indeed :)
About The Program
Title: Be With you 藉着雨点说爱你, <大约在雨季>
Title: Be With you 藉着雨点说爱你, <大约在雨季>
JapaneseCast: Shidou Nakamura 中村狮童, Yuko Takeuchi 竹内结子,
Year 2004 production
Takumi (Shidou Nakamura) and his six-year-old son Yuji (Akashi Takei) have to fend for themselves following the death of wife Mio (Yuko Takeuchi). Mio left Yuji a picture book in which she departs for ´The Archive Star´ but re-appears during the rainy season the following year, and he eagerly awaits her return. Taking a walk in the forest outside their house, Taku and Yuji find a woman sheltering from the rain and immediately accept her as Mio. She has no memory or sense of identity and goes with them to their home. Family life resumes. However, they have to part again in six weeks´ time...
秋穗巧(中村狮童饰)和6岁的儿子佑司(武井证饰)相依为命,两人过着平静的日子。在梅雨季节开始的一个雨天,一年前就已经去世的妻子泠(竹内结子饰)出现在林中,呆呆地站在父子二人面前。虽然泠失去了所有的记忆,但是巧和佑司仍然很高兴地将她迎入家门,三个人又开始了不可思议的共同生活。 看着昔日的爱人重新回到自己身边,丈夫巧充满爱怜地讲起了他们的恋爱史,但是妻子对这一切没有半点反应。不久后,夫妻二人又开始陷入了第二次恋爱,一起默默重温了过去的种种美好。尽管母亲的回归有点离奇,但长久未能感受到温暖母爱的佑司,心中也充满了不可抑止的喜悦。 六周后,随着雨季的结束,泠必须再次面对与丈夫、儿子分别的命运。但是,三人的心中却永远留下了一样宝贵的东西,想抹也抹不掉……
1 comment:
"Love story???". Cerita seram tak de ke? hehehe..
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