Masyarakat pada zaman dahulu mengenal seseorang dgn melihat tanda pada badannya.Diturunkan di sini firasat tentang tahi lalat. Sejauhmana kebenarannya tidaklah diketahui dgn jelas. Namun begitu,ia biasa diajarkan di kalangan Masyarakat Melayu. Hanyalah sekadar menambah pengetahuan.
Bagian Badan Firasat
bibir atas kanan banyak rezeki, pandai
bibir atas kiri ramai kawan, baik hati
bibir bawah kanan disegani orang, ramai yg suka
bibir bawah kiri pandai bicara, tak mudah kalah
leher kanan cerdas, jujur, berani menderita
leher kiri cerdas dlm segala hal dan banyak pengetahuan
leher di tengah tercapai cita-cita
biji mata kanan suka serong dan pembohong
biji mata kiri pembohong tetapi baik hati
hujung mata kanan baik hati, sopan santun, cerdas
hujung mata kiri baik budi, murah rezeki
punggung kanan agak mengalami kesulitan
punggung kiri malas dan suka duduk
betis kanan suka berhibur, boros
betis kiri rajin,tidak suka menganggur
lutut kanan bersikap tidak peduli dan tak mahu berusaha
lutut kiri kurang kuat berusaha
kepala sebelah kanan terkabul cita-cita
kepala sebelah kiri sering menemui kesusahan
kepala sebelah belakang jujur, sabar dan tekun
kening kanan cerdas dan cekap
kening kiri cerdas, sopan santun
tengah kening keras hati, berani segala hal
hujung mulut kanan kecil rezeki, tak mudah kalah
hujung mulut kiri suka berpoya-poya
ketiak kanan dapat menyimpan rahsia
ketiak kiri jujur, banyak yang cinta
pergelangan kaki kanan suka berpergian (keluar rumah)
pergelangan kaki kiri kehendak kuat
batang hidung banyak dicintai orang dan dapat menjadi kaya
pada hidung banyak rezeki
dagu bawah kanan jujur dan baik hati
dagu bawah kiri bijak sana dan berbudi luhur
kemaluan kanan atau kiri baik, suka senggama
di kepala kemaluan (lelaki) bakal beristeri 2
tumit kanan jujur dan banyak kawan
tumit kiri baik budi
alis kanan suka menolong, baik hati
alis kiri ramai yang suka
pangkal peha kanan kemahuan kuat
pangkal peha kiri suka kerja apa pun
telapak kaki kanan tak mudah mengeluh
jari kaki kanan suka menolong
jari kaki kiri berbudi, suka berbuat baik
bahu kanan cermat dlm membuat keputusan, banyak tanggungan
bahu kiri suka kerja keras, banyak tanggungjawab
buah dada kanan baik hati, pendiam,simpan rahsia
buah dada kiri ramai kawan, setia pada pasangan
lengan kanan setia dan taat pada atasan
lengan kiri menepati janji dan rajin
pipi kanan ramai teman
tengah-tengah pipi kanan ramai yg suka
tengah-tengah pipi kiri ramai teman
ubun-ubun kurang jujur
pusat cerdas, tangkas, tekun
pusat bahagian kanan sejahtera dalam hidup
pusat bahagian kiri beroleh kemliaan
pinggang kanan sayang pada pasangan hidup
pinggang kiri disayang pasangan hidup
dada kanan dapat mengatasi masalah
dada kiri berani, jujur dan sabar
telapak kaki kanan tak mudah mengeluh
telapak kaki kiri baik budi pekertinya
siku tangan kanan kuat ingin memiliki kekayaan
siku tangan kiri baik hati, suka menolong
jari tangan kanan serba beroleh keuntungan
jari tangan kiri serba baik bekerja
jari telapak tangan kanan banyak rezeki tapi boros
jari telapak tangan kiri banyak rezeki dan cermat
perut bawah kanan banyak rezeki, suka memberi maaf
perut bawah kiri baik hati, tenang hidupnya
sudut mata kanan dalam disayang suami atau isteri
sudut mata kiri dalam tidak mudah dilupakan pasangan
sudut mata kanan luar baik budi, ramai yg cinta
pelipis kiri murah rezeki, dpt jadi kaya
pelipis kanan serba berhasil dalam usaha
kelopak mata kanan atas baik hati, ramah, berjaya
kelopak mata kiri atas baik budi, ramai yg suka
kelopak mata kanan bawah agak malas
kelopak mata kiri bawah agak bodoh, kurang bijaksana
*p/s: maklumat dari emel kawan
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Few seconds that i took!
Just a far view camcorder fire crackers that i recorded at my condo balcony, time:10.30pm. My husband told me that it happend @ the padang which located in front of ampcorp mall. A concert was organised there.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
4 hrs long queue in immigration office
I went to renew my passport today in pusat damansara as today is public holiday (Birthday Sultan of Selangor). my frens and my mum told me that there is a new alternative (faster) way - Kippas Kiosk to renew passport, less people using it (bcoz it "baru launch") and no need to wait very long as all the process are computer/machine generated. So, i feel very curious about it and want to have a try 4 the kiosk.
I reach there quite late, about 9am, after parked my car at open carpark. My hubby and i walked towards the building, wondering which block is our target? At last, we found the immigration place, which was crowded by a lot of people. A long queue inside the kiosk place also. I quickly took 4pcs passport photo which cost me rm14.40. (much more expensive compare to 5 yrs price-rm8 ago). At the same time, my hubby lined up for me.
I wonder why the line queue was so long? only total of 4 nos. of kiosk inside the room, but 2 of it were "under fixing-out of order". That's means only 2 machines are functioning. After struggle standing and waiting for 4 hours, finally, i collect my new passport inside the immigration office successfully.
Because of the long waiting time, so i got a chance to try the Mc breakfast-Mc sausage burger with hash brown and refillable Arabian coffee today (which i wish to try it long time oledi). I want to try 2ND option-Mc egg set meal b4 11am next time.
I reach there quite late, about 9am, after parked my car at open carpark. My hubby and i walked towards the building, wondering which block is our target? At last, we found the immigration place, which was crowded by a lot of people. A long queue inside the kiosk place also. I quickly took 4pcs passport photo which cost me rm14.40. (much more expensive compare to 5 yrs price-rm8 ago). At the same time, my hubby lined up for me.
I wonder why the line queue was so long? only total of 4 nos. of kiosk inside the room, but 2 of it were "under fixing-out of order". That's means only 2 machines are functioning. After struggle standing and waiting for 4 hours, finally, i collect my new passport inside the immigration office successfully.
Because of the long waiting time, so i got a chance to try the Mc breakfast-Mc sausage burger with hash brown and refillable Arabian coffee today (which i wish to try it long time oledi). I want to try 2ND option-Mc egg set meal b4 11am next time.
Strongly recommended Japanese movie - "Be with you"

A very touching love story i seen just now, talking about the precious love of one couple and a son. and how they manage their warm hearted family life ... I, myself love this movie very much, and will keep a copy indeed :)
About The Program
Title: Be With you 藉着雨点说爱你, <大约在雨季>
Title: Be With you 藉着雨点说爱你, <大约在雨季>
JapaneseCast: Shidou Nakamura 中村狮童, Yuko Takeuchi 竹内结子,
Year 2004 production
Takumi (Shidou Nakamura) and his six-year-old son Yuji (Akashi Takei) have to fend for themselves following the death of wife Mio (Yuko Takeuchi). Mio left Yuji a picture book in which she departs for ´The Archive Star´ but re-appears during the rainy season the following year, and he eagerly awaits her return. Taking a walk in the forest outside their house, Taku and Yuji find a woman sheltering from the rain and immediately accept her as Mio. She has no memory or sense of identity and goes with them to their home. Family life resumes. However, they have to part again in six weeks´ time...
秋穗巧(中村狮童饰)和6岁的儿子佑司(武井证饰)相依为命,两人过着平静的日子。在梅雨季节开始的一个雨天,一年前就已经去世的妻子泠(竹内结子饰)出现在林中,呆呆地站在父子二人面前。虽然泠失去了所有的记忆,但是巧和佑司仍然很高兴地将她迎入家门,三个人又开始了不可思议的共同生活。 看着昔日的爱人重新回到自己身边,丈夫巧充满爱怜地讲起了他们的恋爱史,但是妻子对这一切没有半点反应。不久后,夫妻二人又开始陷入了第二次恋爱,一起默默重温了过去的种种美好。尽管母亲的回归有点离奇,但长久未能感受到温暖母爱的佑司,心中也充满了不可抑止的喜悦。 六周后,随着雨季的结束,泠必须再次面对与丈夫、儿子分别的命运。但是,三人的心中却永远留下了一样宝贵的东西,想抹也抹不掉……
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Hon kiat, my lovely brother was purposely came back to attend my cousin brother(xiong)'s wedding last Saturday. He has promise to become bridegroom's "Heng Dai". And After finished his "heng dai" job, he went back to S'pore yesday morning.
My brother is a quiet person, but when he is accompany us (family), for sure, the atmosphere must be fully cover with laughter's, fun's and delights... As usual, my mum sure will took few days of working leave for accompanied my brother. My dad also willing to bring us to every where with his boot boot car..."Bileee...Balah...", a lot of things to share among ourselves...
The time was running too fast, just a blink of eyes, two days has past, and my brother have to get back to his work in s'pore. And i, really really miss him so much. Same as my parent too, i believe....Doesn't matter how far between i and my brother? our loves will never never change.
Nvm, we have plan to visit him again end of this month... although i have negative balance of leave. Hoping to see my brother and his gf soon. For sure, i will grab my favourite food-crispy roti pratha planta, economic fried mee hoon, shui kuih, thick and smooth soya bean milk, fish-head mee hoon (vegetarian type) etc...
My brother is a quiet person, but when he is accompany us (family), for sure, the atmosphere must be fully cover with laughter's, fun's and delights... As usual, my mum sure will took few days of working leave for accompanied my brother. My dad also willing to bring us to every where with his boot boot car..."Bileee...Balah...", a lot of things to share among ourselves...
The time was running too fast, just a blink of eyes, two days has past, and my brother have to get back to his work in s'pore. And i, really really miss him so much. Same as my parent too, i believe....Doesn't matter how far between i and my brother? our loves will never never change.
Nvm, we have plan to visit him again end of this month... although i have negative balance of leave. Hoping to see my brother and his gf soon. For sure, i will grab my favourite food-crispy roti pratha planta, economic fried mee hoon, shui kuih, thick and smooth soya bean milk, fish-head mee hoon (vegetarian type) etc...
Saturday, December 6, 2008
I went to do a blood test at pathlab this morning. My objective is to test my blood wheter my Rubella immune still available . This is especially important to verify that all women of child-bearing age are immune to rubella before they get pregnant.
I remember that i have taken rebella vaccine dose when in secondary school. Study say that approximately 95% of individuals become immune to rubella after a single dose of vaccine. But, for my 100% safety, due to good immunization coverage, blood test is my 1st precaution.
So, i will schedule my time to collect my blood test report on next week.
What causes rubella?Rubella is caused by a virus.
How does rubella spread?Rubella spreads from person to person through the air. Rubella is contagious but less so than measles and chickenpox.
How long does it take to show signs of rubella after being exposed?The incubation period varies from 12 to 23 days (average, 14 days). Symptoms are often mild and may be inapparent up to half of the time.
What are the symptoms of rubella?Children with rubella usually first break out in a rash, which starts on the face and progresses down the body. Older children and adults usually first suffer from low-grade fever, swollen glands in the neck or behind the ears, and upper respiratory infection before they develop a rash. Adult women often develop pain and stiffness in their finger, wrist, and knee joints, which may last up to a month. Up to half of people infected with rubella virus have no symptoms at all.
How serious is rubella?Rubella is usually a mild disease in children; adults tend to have more complications. The main concern with rubella disease, however, is the effect it has on an infected pregnant woman. Rubella infection in the first trimester of pregnancy can lead to fetal death, premature delivery, and serious birth defects.
What are possible complications from rubella?Encephalitis (brain infection) occurs in one in 6,000 cases, usually in adults. Temporary blood problems, including low platelet levels and hemorrhage, also occur rarely. Up to 70% of adult women with rubella have pain and/or swelling of the joints, which is usually temporary.
The most serious complication of rubella infection is Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS), the result when the rubella virus attacks a developing fetus. Up to 85% of infants infected during the first trimester of pregnancy will be born with some type of birth defect, including deafness, eye defects, heart defects, mental retardation, and more. Infection early in the pregnancy (less than 12 weeks gestation) is the most dangerous; defects are rare when infection occurs after 20 weeks gestation.
Is there a treatment for rubella?There is no "cure" for rubella, only supportive treatment (e.g., bed rest, fluids, and fever reduction).
How do I know if my child has rubella?Because the rubella rash looks similar to other rashes, the only sure way to diagnose rubella is by a laboratory test.
How long is a person with rubella contagious?The disease is most contagious when the rash is erupting, but the virus can be spread from seven days before, to 5-7 days after the rash begins.
If I think my child has been exposed to rubella, what should I do?If your child has not been vaccinated against rubella, receiving the vaccine after exposure to the virus will not help prevent disease if the child has already been infected. However, if the child did not become infected after this particular exposure, the vaccine will help protect him or her against future exposure to rubella.
I remember that i have taken rebella vaccine dose when in secondary school. Study say that approximately 95% of individuals become immune to rubella after a single dose of vaccine. But, for my 100% safety, due to good immunization coverage, blood test is my 1st precaution.
So, i will schedule my time to collect my blood test report on next week.
What causes rubella?Rubella is caused by a virus.
How does rubella spread?Rubella spreads from person to person through the air. Rubella is contagious but less so than measles and chickenpox.
How long does it take to show signs of rubella after being exposed?The incubation period varies from 12 to 23 days (average, 14 days). Symptoms are often mild and may be inapparent up to half of the time.
What are the symptoms of rubella?Children with rubella usually first break out in a rash, which starts on the face and progresses down the body. Older children and adults usually first suffer from low-grade fever, swollen glands in the neck or behind the ears, and upper respiratory infection before they develop a rash. Adult women often develop pain and stiffness in their finger, wrist, and knee joints, which may last up to a month. Up to half of people infected with rubella virus have no symptoms at all.
How serious is rubella?Rubella is usually a mild disease in children; adults tend to have more complications. The main concern with rubella disease, however, is the effect it has on an infected pregnant woman. Rubella infection in the first trimester of pregnancy can lead to fetal death, premature delivery, and serious birth defects.
What are possible complications from rubella?Encephalitis (brain infection) occurs in one in 6,000 cases, usually in adults. Temporary blood problems, including low platelet levels and hemorrhage, also occur rarely. Up to 70% of adult women with rubella have pain and/or swelling of the joints, which is usually temporary.
The most serious complication of rubella infection is Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS), the result when the rubella virus attacks a developing fetus. Up to 85% of infants infected during the first trimester of pregnancy will be born with some type of birth defect, including deafness, eye defects, heart defects, mental retardation, and more. Infection early in the pregnancy (less than 12 weeks gestation) is the most dangerous; defects are rare when infection occurs after 20 weeks gestation.
Is there a treatment for rubella?There is no "cure" for rubella, only supportive treatment (e.g., bed rest, fluids, and fever reduction).
How do I know if my child has rubella?Because the rubella rash looks similar to other rashes, the only sure way to diagnose rubella is by a laboratory test.
How long is a person with rubella contagious?The disease is most contagious when the rash is erupting, but the virus can be spread from seven days before, to 5-7 days after the rash begins.
If I think my child has been exposed to rubella, what should I do?If your child has not been vaccinated against rubella, receiving the vaccine after exposure to the virus will not help prevent disease if the child has already been infected. However, if the child did not become infected after this particular exposure, the vaccine will help protect him or her against future exposure to rubella.
for more rubella vaccine info? try
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Sales, sales, sales...

A lot of people were Lining up in a long long queue today after work, the line was about 3m long, i guess? For just to squeeze into the Adidas warehouse sales booth in Tmn. Tun. All the people were crazy for the branded cheap shoes, bags, perfume, clothes etc... Hahaha....Of course, I'm also one of them. Nowadays, E-co-no-money mah...but look like, the are many consumers willing to spend more? Really can't understand. Mayb this is the great compatible time: Haji/Christmas/New year/Stock Clearance Sales? No matter how, this is their policy. Give and take mah... The Saler offer u, and We (the buyer) volunteer to take the offer.
But, at last, unfortunately i gave up after 10 minutes queuing. Bcoz the traffic never flow and was just stuck inside the queue. somemore wasting my Rm5 parking fee. I'm not as patience as them to wait for mayb 1 or 2 hours there. For me, time is more precious. I rather spent more time to gather with my family, to have a warm-hearted dinner with my family.
But, at last, unfortunately i gave up after 10 minutes queuing. Bcoz the traffic never flow and was just stuck inside the queue. somemore wasting my Rm5 parking fee. I'm not as patience as them to wait for mayb 1 or 2 hours there. For me, time is more precious. I rather spent more time to gather with my family, to have a warm-hearted dinner with my family.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Lots of TV, video and internet harm human health, says study
I feel very sad after reading an article from star press. The report found that children who spent more than 8 hours watching TV per week at age three were more likely to be obese (fat) at seven. And they are easier to linked to drug and alcohol use and poorer school performance. I totally agree with this content, bcoz i have seen my younger niece and nephew bring cell-phone to school everyday starts in primary school. They make calls, sms, bluetooth image, photos etc frequently until they cant even concentrate on their school work. Some more they request for the latest model of cell-phone with 3G technology.
Back to our (adult) case, I myself also worry to this big issue. Bcoz i am doing all this stuffs everyday. Almost spend 12 hours per day. And the elders keep screeding me not to face PC to much. " is very bad for health, bad for pregnant women..." Can u imagine that: we are the 21st century people, we live in a media-saturated life right now and is super impossible for us to get rid of ourselves from media-expose!
Sometimes, i feel that.. wat if , a scientist can create or experiment something to keep our body avoid from media radioactive which could harm our body. Wheter is a pills, a drinks or a cream or anything... That's must be a very good market for it.
Back to our (adult) case, I myself also worry to this big issue. Bcoz i am doing all this stuffs everyday. Almost spend 12 hours per day. And the elders keep screeding me not to face PC to much. " is very bad for health, bad for pregnant women..." Can u imagine that: we are the 21st century people, we live in a media-saturated life right now and is super impossible for us to get rid of ourselves from media-expose!
Sometimes, i feel that.. wat if , a scientist can create or experiment something to keep our body avoid from media radioactive which could harm our body. Wheter is a pills, a drinks or a cream or anything... That's must be a very good market for it.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I start found out this type of delicious dishes at PJ SS2 - Pasar malam. A lot of people queuing for it! What to do? wait lor... in order to taste it...
Need more detail of tako? try it on
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